Getting the dingy down and functional is a hassle, so we usually just stayed on the boat. The water is still pretty chilly but we did go swimming a few times (also our shower is being used for storage so jumping overboard is the easiest way to get relatively clean).
Here’s Tillicum 1
Rounded the famous rocks guarding Cabo and soon we were tied up in the marina.
Cabo is surreal. Around the point of Baja is some of the world’s best Marlin and other sport fishing and this marina is grand central. Some of the sport boats are multi-storied affairs with seats perched way up high and dozens of satellite and other antennas, all to catch a fish :-)
Russ, Heidi and I took a taxi out to the Walmart to provision, just like at home :-) Cabo is very touristy though and I’m getting tired of the constant “buy this” and “have I got a deal for you”. This afternoon we’re getting out of the very expensive marina and will anchor off the beach for a day or so, then continue around the point towards La Paz. Happy Thanksgiving to all!!!
(From Tom)
From time to time there will be bits of information that has been observed along the way, they will be labeled NOTES FROM THE BILGE (NFB)
NFB note1. Before leaving we were advised to purhase a strong magnet and some line so we could retrive the items that would periodically fall overboard, hopefully when in a marina or at anchor. This seemed to make sense and we aquired the said equipment. Now after several items have gone by the board and never been seen again I have rethought the idea. There is one major problem in this system, most items that are suitable for use on a boat are made of either bronze, nickle or stainless steel. None of which are magnetic!!! The only thing the magnet accomplishes is to stamp the lost item deeper into the mud / sand so even if you finally go diving for it it will be impossible to find.
NFB note2. The people who build Marinas are smart and understand that most sailors like wind. Since most boats are sold in or very near a Marina wind is a desirable feature for being able to demonstrate the boats sailing features without having to go miles from the dock. After traveling for hours and hours offshore with only 5mph winds we are frequently amazed that the wind in the marina always seems to be at least 20mph, and often going in the direction that makes docking most challenging.
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