Well; we’re still in La Cruz, same spot we’ve been in for the last 2 ½ months! As I mentioned in the last blog, we’ve ordered a new main sail and a fancy track system for raising, lowering, and stowing the sail. We knew it was going to take a while to get here and be installed, but it’s been longer than we had imagined, thus is life in mañana land. We are making progress though, Mike the sail maker took our mast away, thus guaranteeing that we couldn’t leave even if we wanted to :-)
I’m not quite sure what we’ve been doing these last months, though it seems like the time has flown by. We did take a one week trip back to California in a whirlwind visit with family. I wished we could have taken longer but we had left our cat, Ginger back on the boat. We had a couple of friends looking after her but we still didn’t feel we could be gone for too long.
It hasn’t all been lounging at the beach drinking beer (though there has been a bit of that). We’ve several times taken the bus up to Sayulita, a popular surf beach. Tom bought a bogie board so we either bring that, or he rents a long board and hones his surfing skills.
Sunday’s are pool day at Los Arroyos Verdes, a beautiful 20 acre resort up in the Bucerias foothills. Lupe, the owner/designer is a fellow sailor and sends a van down to the marina to pick up anyone interested. We can explore the grounds, swim in the pool, or eat at the wonderful restaurant/bar. Other than the food and drink, everything is free. The landscaping is gorgeous and there are eclectic touches everywhere. Los Arroyos Verdes is completely organic, fully runs off solar power and was made from natural building materials (stone, brick, etc). It’s a very beautiful and tranquil place.
Well, that’s about it for now. When and if we get our main sail finished, we’ve decided to sail back up to the Sea of Cortez for the summer. We’ll have to keep a close watch on the weather for possible hurricanes, so keep your fingers crossed for us :-)
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