7/6/2011 – Golfito, Costa Rica
We were all set to move onto Panama when some friends from El Salvador sailed into Golfito. We were talking to them about how we hadn’t done much in-land sight-seeing in Costa Rica and soon a plan was hatched to treat ourselves to an excursion. Chris on sv Jeorgia and Virginia on sv Libertad did most of the research and soon we were headed to the beautiful eco-resort of Encanta la Vida on the edge of Corcovado national park. To get there, first we caught the water ferry from Golfito, across the Golfo Dulce, to Puerto Jimenez (about an hour trip). Then we caught a 4-wheeled taxi for a bouncy 45 minute trek into the jungle.
Encanta la Vida is completely off the grid and all the power is from solar cells, works great when the sun shines but this is the rainy season. The last night we were there we had 12 inches of rain in about 4 hours. During the day we took a few hikes through the jungle. There are four types of monkeys in Costa Rica; howler, squirrel, spider, and capuchin (aka white faced). While we were there we saw all four. One afternoon when we got back to our lodge there was a troop of white faced monkeys in the trees above the lodge throwing coconuts and papayas at us as we tried to film them. During the middle of all this two pairs of scarlet macaws were flying overhead making a lot of noise. Each morning we were awakened at 3am by the howler monkeys who sound like they are the size of Godzilla but are only about the size of a large house cat. It sounded like they were right outside our window!
Our lodge, we were on the first floor.
The beautiful grounds
We hiked up to this gorgeous waterfall, easily 60 feet high. We splashed in the water and tried to get under the falls, but the water was coming down so hard it was like hammers hitting our heads.

Hiking along the muddy road

Dinner time, the food was very delicious and fresh.

We really loved the resort, but could only afford a couple of days there. Back to the boat and planning our next jump to Panama.
Carolynn & Tom
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